Ep. #47 The Power of Struggling through Crisis: Facing Adversity and Staying Accountable

by Marci Barker / October 11th, 2023
The Power of Struggling through Crisis: Facing Adversity and Staying Accountable
The Power of Struggling through Crisis: Facing Adversity and Staying Accountable
In this podcast episode, I discuss the positive impact of attending a retreat, emphasizing the transformations and sense of community that such experiences provide. I will also mention my upcoming mother-daughter retreat and the involvement of my daughters in planning it. I will touch on the challenges of accountability and personal development, highlighting how obstacles and resistance can arise after moments of motivation and excitement.
In this episode, I want to delve into my recent personal crisis, how I dealt with it, and the importance of having a support system and resources during tough times. The central message I want to convey is about facing adversity, staying accountable to my goals, and finding strength in challenging moments.
FREE Audiobook
I recorded my entire audiobook and I'd love for you to listen to it between episodes. Put your info in and get instant access to The Accountability Code Wake Up and Show Up!
In This Episode We Cover:
Gratitude for libraries
Retreat experiences and transformations
Mother-daughter retreat planning
Challenges of accountability and personal development
Facing obstacles and resistance
Coping with a personal crisis
The role of support systems
Navigating tough times and making important decisions
Empowerment and taking control of one's life
The importance of patience in the integration process of personal growth.
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Ep. #117 You’re Waking Up Too Much

In this episode, I talk about the downside of "waking up too much"—overthinking, overanalyzing, and consuming too much information without taking action. Just like showing up too much can be unbalanced, constantly planning and reflecting without implementing can keep us stuck. I share examples of how this happens and explain that real growth comes when we take action, even if it’s imperfect.


Ep. #116 You’re Showing Up Too Much

In this episode of Your Loving Kick in the Pants, I dive into the difference between waking up and showing up. Lately, I’ve been networking and seeing firsthand how people take action when they truly understand accountability. But I’ve also noticed that many people overdo one side—either constantly staying busy and overwhelmed or spending too much time thinking without acting. If you’re exhausted and struggling to keep up, you might be showing up too much and neglecting reflection. True balance comes from recognizing what tasks actually belong to you and what you can let go of.


Ep. #115 Be Honest As You Practice Humility

In this episode, I talk about the importance of honesty in the accountability code. Without honesty, real change and growth aren’t possible. I share personal stories about how dishonesty can show up in small ways, like making excuses or setting unrealistic goals. Being truthful with yourself brings clarity, peace, and happiness.


Ep. #114 Nervous Excitement Towards A Goal Is...

In this episode, I talk about the mix of nervousness and excitement that comes with growth, especially in business. As I prepare for a big speaking event, I reflect on how these feelings are a sign of change and progress. I encourage my listeners to embrace them rather than avoid them. Through my Accountability Accelerator, I help people push past fear by setting goals and having someone hold them accountable, which can be both scary and motivating.