Ep. #16 Driving to Freedom with MJ Winn

by Marci Barker / March 8th, 2023
Driving to Freedom with MJ Winn
Driving to Freedom
with MJ Winn
Today I got to bring MJ onto the podcast, an author who has a gift for uncovering valuable lessons in seemingly ordinary but sometime extraordinary life events. Her upcoming book Dirt Roads highlights her many adventures. On this show she shares a great flat tire on a dirt road story. You will love hearing how she learns from her misfortunes and transforms them into ways to connect to God, and her true self.
As one of my clients MJ’s coaching calls always went deep, I love her ability to think beyond what you see, and wanted to share her with you. If you are one of those people who needs to stop doing the same old thing that is not rendering the results you want, you will gain a lot from this episode. We talk about the blessings in disguise and the shift from solely focusing on your family’s needs to learning who you are independently and the importance of showing up for yourself. It’s an empowering story to set you on the right ‘Dirt Road’ for your life.
FREE Audiobook
I recorded my entire audiobook and I'd love for you to listen to it between episodes. Put your info in and get instant access to The Accountability Code Wake Up and Show Up!
In This Episode We Cover:
MJ’s Knab flat tire story, a lesson learned from a dirt road.
Lack of control with a difficult diagnosis.
Learning to be quiet and just listen.
When others try to define who you are and the process of seeing yourself clearly.
Stepping bravely into a life changing move to downsize and simplify.
How The Accountability Code helped MJ own up to her make some necessary changes.
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