In this episode of Your Loving Kick in the Pants, I dive into the difference between waking up and showing up. Lately, I’ve been networking and seeing firsthand how people take action when they truly understand accountability. But I’ve also noticed that many people overdo one side—either constantly staying busy and overwhelmed or spending too much time thinking without acting. If you’re exhausted and struggling to keep up, you might be showing up too much and neglecting reflection. True balance comes from recognizing what tasks actually belong to you and what you can let go of.
I share a personal story about letting go of control, using my household’s dishes as an example. By asking my husband to take over, I realized how difficult it is to step back, but also how necessary it is. I break down the importance of delegating, setting up systems, and giving yourself permission to rest. If you’re stuck in a cycle of doing too much, start by identifying what only you can do, find what can be delegated, and allow yourself to step back without guilt. Realigning isn’t failing—it’s making sure you don’t burn out before you get where you want to be.