Protein + Body Sculpting

by Marci Barker / August 29th, 2018


Ep. #118 Webinar Cliff Notes! How to Accelera...

In this episode, I talked about accountability and why traditional plans don’t always work. I shared personal experiences, like writing my book and learning to adjust plans to fit my own needs. I also highlighted stories from my clients, like Kim, who successfully hosted events by adapting the accountability code, and Susan, who realized she needed to trust herself more to improve her business. The key takeaway is that being accountable isn’t about following a rigid plan, it’s about adjusting and taking action in a way that works for you.


Bonus Episode! Free Webinar Training March 11...

Hey guys! This is a bonus episode because I forgot to plan for my free webinar on March 11th at noon Eastern Time, and I don’t want you to miss it! It’s all about accountability—why it’s the key to success and how to make it work for you. I share a client story about how small tweaks in her approach made a huge difference and explain why traditional goal-setting often fails. The truth is, accountability isn’t just about willpower—it’s about having the right plan, support, and mindset to follow through.


Ep. #117 You’re Waking Up Too Much

In this episode, I talk about the downside of "waking up too much"—overthinking, overanalyzing, and consuming too much information without taking action. Just like showing up too much can be unbalanced, constantly planning and reflecting without implementing can keep us stuck. I share examples of how this happens and explain that real growth comes when we take action, even if it’s imperfect.


Ep. #116 You’re Showing Up Too Much

In this episode of Your Loving Kick in the Pants, I dive into the difference between waking up and showing up. Lately, I’ve been networking and seeing firsthand how people take action when they truly understand accountability. But I’ve also noticed that many people overdo one side—either constantly staying busy and overwhelmed or spending too much time thinking without acting. If you’re exhausted and struggling to keep up, you might be showing up too much and neglecting reflection. True balance comes from recognizing what tasks actually belong to you and what you can let go of.